Body, Soul and Spirit
Now, when we illustrate things about which we speak, you understand that we are accepting the Bible as the ultimate authority for all rules of faith and practice. When we say, "the Bible is the final authority in all matters of faith and practice", we are not confining it to the religious rules. I mean, sometimes the brothers think we're wrong. When I say that the Bible is the authority on all the
articles of faith and practice, I mean, without apology, that I believe the Bible is able to fix any doctor, lawyer, surgeon, scientist, physicist, Bishop or mathematician who has ever
existed. Don't put the Bible in any third or fourth where she has the exact control over a limited area. Judge sports by the Bible. We judge the art for Bible.We Believe[CC1] [CC2] the music by the Bible. The Bible is the final authority in all matters of
faith and practice.
All right, in 1 Thessalonians 5:23 -24 (and you can imagine that if someone can buy a Bible, he
could have discovered this years ago), you know what a man is. In this passage Paul says: " And the same
God of peace sanctify you everything; and all your spirit
and soul and bodybe preserved fully beyond reproach for the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.Faithful is what calls you, who also will do it.
Now let us consider carefully this passage. If she
doesn't agree with what they say psychiatrists, so we can disregard what they say. According to this verse, the man has a body, a soul and a spirit. You see this? The verses say that a human being has a body, a soul and a spirit. If that is correct – and I have no doubt
about it – so the man has a threefold nature. It is made up of body, soul and spirit. If that's
true, have you checked on what a mess we're in? If this is true, it means that the United Nations building in New York, we have a bunch of men
sitting to talk about the problems of humanity and about how to fix men, without even knowing what is man.What could be more pitiful than a
doctor with three doctorate degrees, sitting in a doctor's Office, charging people $ 100 per hour, to talk about their problems, without even knowing what is the man? You are body, soul and spirit. Hence why the Bible
says that man was made " in the image
and likeness of God " (Genesis 1:27). When the man was formed, God made "the
dust of the Earth, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and the man was done living soul " (Genesis 2: 7). The man has a body. The man has a soul. The man has a spirit. God has
a body – Jesus Christ. God has a soul, God the Father, God is a spirit -the Holy
Spirit. Man was created in the image and likeness of God and thus have a threefold nature.
Anything on earth can be divided into "three parts" before being considered. If you want to see to what extent will arrive, look at the time, space and matter. I mean that the energy is
something outside the field that has been transformed or abandoned in strength. There are exactly three things around – time, space and
matter. You divide the time into past,
present and future – three things. You divide thespace and gets length, width and depth –
three things. Always three in each example. There's the atmosphere, the ionosphere and
stratosphere.Outside these there is the exosphere. On one side of the Atlantic we have the North America, Central America and South
America. On the other side of the Atlantic we have Europe, Africa and Asia. People come from three
strata-Mongoloid, negroide and "Caucasoid". The same happens with the music, with the art, with the color and everything else. A family is made up of men, women and children. The Bible was written in Hebrew and Aramaic, the Old Testament
and the Greek New Testament. In the old testament we have the law, the prophets and writings. In
the New Testament we have the Gospels, the acts of the Apostles and the Epistles. Did you know that the Bible is missing? There is an Old Testament, there is a new testament. Where is the missing part in the word of God? She is in heaven! Jesus Christ is the word of God.
Then, the man has a body, soul and spirit. In Greek,
these words would be soma, psyche and pneuma. In Hebrew they appear as basar, nephesh and
ruach. You do not need to know Greek and Hebrew to learn that these things are different. You
know that they are different? They are pronounced differently. Are not the same in Hebrewand in Greek and not
inEnglish. That way, you know that they are not the same.
You realize that right now I'm talking to people, who have been alive for ten, twenty, thirty or
forty years, and you don't even know what they are? Do you know what your body but don't
know what it is your soul. I bet you didn't even know find your soul if they had to do it. Don't
even know what his spirit. Isn't it strange? As you can understand that an American can come from
six years of elementary school, three years of high school and four years of college without knowing who he is? What a disgrace it is for a man to grow up and live in this land, die and never know what he is! David says in
Psalm 8: 4: "That is the mortal man to remember him? And the son of
man, so that the visit? " He wanted to
know what the man is the man's body, soul and spirit.
You think of these things? What are
they? Well, look first to your spirit. John 3: 8 says: "The wind bloweth where it wants, and you hear your voice, but you don't know where it came from, nor
where it goes; so is everyone who is born of the spirit ". Now
check this out. The verse says that the spirit is like the wind. Have you
seen? "The wind bloweth where it wants, and you hear your voice, but you don't know where it came from, nor
where it goes; so is everyone who is born of the spirit ".
Now notice that the Bible is an accurate and scientific textbook. You hear people say: "Well, the Bible is not a textbook in science, but wherever she speaks of science she speaks of accuracy". Is truth. That matter is something that sin some preachers. The Bible is a book exact text on Science and existence. There is no other scientific
books. There is scientific books that deal with certain attributes about the physical science that may or may not be true, but that's what we're
dealing with. What we're dealing with here is the absolute truth.
Ezekiel 37: 9 and 14 says: "And he said to me, Prophesy to the spirit, prophesy, o son of man, and say to the spirit: thus saith the
Lord God: come from the four winds, o spirit, and blow on these dead, to live. ...And I will put
my spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will put you on your land; and ye shall know that I the Lord said this, and I did it, saith the Lord
". Notice that God is saying to Ezekiel prophesying the rooftops and tell the four winds to blow on the
bones. Thus, he prophesies in the wind. Then, as if interprets it? Look at verse 14: "...And I will
put my spirit in you, and you shall live, and I will put you on your land; and ye shall know that I the Lord said this, and I did it, saith the
Lord ". See that? The spirit is like the wind.
Of course, if you don't know the Bible cannot imagine that. Look at the Greek word pneuma. What is
pneumonia? Is a problem with the air. A tyre
is an engine driven by compressed air. See? I mean that the Bible is a scientific text book and others are just nonsense.
Well, the man has a spirit itself. Now everyone in this
world have the same spirit. The Bible says: "Why, what men
know the things of man, but the spirit of man which is in him? So no one knows the things of God except the spirit of God"(1Corinthians 2:11)
Everyone has the same spirit – the spirit of man. Every
animal has the same spirit-the spirit of animal. Ecclesiastes 3:21 says: "Who
knows what the breath of man goes upward, and the breath of the animals goes down on Earth?". Then there
are four spirits – there is the spirit of God, which is the Holy Spirit. There is the spirit of evil – the unclean spirit.There is the spirit of
man-the human spirit. There is the spirit of the animal – animal spirit. What is this? This is the only scientific statement ever made to date on the subject. You're wasting your time with
National Geographic. They don't know what I just said. You will lose your time in the American
Medical Society. They know less about what they are than a bat flying backwards. There are four
spirits on Earth. The man has the human spirit, and his spirit is like the wind.
Now, listen up. If you have not yet been born again, you
have a spirit inside of you-the human spirit, but he is dead. As you know it? Reading John 3: 5-7 "...In fact,
you actually say that he who is born of the water and the spirit cannot enter the Kingdom of God. What is born of the flesh is flesh, and what is
born of the spirit is spirit. I marvel you have said: ye must be born again ".Saw? Then a man not saved is a dead. He has a soul, but has a dead spirit. How do you know he's dead. It's in the Bible, Ephesians 2: 1: "and you hath quickened, though ye dead in trespasses and sins" . So the unsaved man is dead. A man saved has a soul, but
he's got a dead spirit.
And what happens to the soul of you? With that she
looks? R.B.Thieme, here in Houston, Texas, says: "do not forget. The soul is located in the skull
". Don't forget: she is not located in the skull. If there is a place in which she is not located in this
place. See Lucas 16:23 -24: "And hell,
lifted his eyes, being in torment, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And, crying,
said: father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that wet on the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue, for I am tormented in this flame ".You know where he is? He's in hell. You saw what the passage says? "And hell, lifted his eyes, being in torments, and saw Abraham far off, and Lazarus in his
bosom".A soul's eyes. and he saw
Abraham far off, and Lazarus in his bosom. And, crying,
said: father Abraham, have mercy on me, and send Lazarus, that wet on the tip of his finger in water and cool my tongue .won't cost them anything, beyond your time. "
because "and
given that dress of fine linen, bright and pure; because the fine linen are the justices of t A
soul's tongue. Is that clear? (People spend so much time with this, aren't you?) The ancient Greeks thought the soul was something like a pea, golf ball, croquet ball, stuck somewhere in your body and when you died, she jumped out of her
mouth or the back of your head. In the Bible the soul has the outline of a body. As you may know
Get it while it's hot. [You are] Here today, gone tomorrow. You're not going to have that book around forever. You'd better find out what it says. You will not understand him at school.It is better to understand it while
you can. You won't understand him in a Christian College, because there no one query at any time. "Move exactly in this line, ladies and gentlemen, the big show is exactly in here. It
Revelation 6: 9 says: "When he
had opened the fifth seal, I saw under the altar the souls ...". You can see
the verses 10-11 says: "and cried out with a loud voice, saying, how long, o true and Saint Dominator, not judge and avenge our
blood of those who dwell on the Earth? Each was given a long white robes and they were told to rest a little while until you complete the number of
their fellow servants and their brothers, who were to be killed as they were ". See
that? "White Robes". A soul can use sack. If
a soul came into your room right now, dressed, and you take your clothes off, couldn't see anything underneath. Call it a "ghost". Hence why "Gaspar, the friendly ghost" always wears a white linen robe, he Saints"(Revelation
19: 8). So, when you draw a ghost, they wear a white outfit.
Now this soul has the figure of a body. Let's
illustrate this. Consider the soccer ball. The outside is leather and inside it there is an air
Chamber made of rubber. This internal air Chamber is designed to have the shape of a ball. Internal air Chamber represents their soul. When you fill the ball she becomes a soccer ball, but with
three separate parts. Have you seen this? God has a soul, a body and a spirit. The Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit. Now take this football. Know what a man is not saved? Is a flat tire. Is sitting there
(and I have to tell them this. I know I do it without the slightest embarrassment), but you know that some of you are just dead
bodies? What a thing to say, guys! But I bet the pastor of First Baptist Church ever
said this to his congregation. I bet you'd
all over all the cults of Pensacola Christian college chapel for a long time without ever hearing it. Even if you say, would be like
this. "And so, if you are not born again, are rotting corpses". NO! You're a corpse! If you are not saved is because not born again. And if they are not saved or born again, a part of you is dead. Know what Christ said? He said: " Let the dead
bury their dead; but you go and announce the Kingdom of God " (Luke 9:
60). You are empty tires. They can eat, sleep, drink, reproduce, take care of the family, but
they're dead. "You must be born again" (John 3: 7).
Okay, this is just the intro. Now let's get
Grab your Bibles and let's the Genesis 2 and see how you began. Now
you understand that when we go to Genesis 2, we are reading a scientific and historical narrative of man's creation. You know that "Darwin said
...". All sorts of people have all sorts of problems. Someone said: "this latest advancement
indicates ..." or "these scientists said..." Not all nonsense are already formulated.
Recently, one of those companions said: "Well, I hope the Reagan foreign policy is better than its policy on
evolution, because he had doubts about evolution, and evolution is a fact".If evolution is a fact, you're not the monkey's uncle, you are the grandson of a monkey. Evolution, a fact! Now what do these fools think about things? They are evolving? They are regressing. To prove
this? Buy a car. I don't see how a man who drives an old car can believe in evolution. I could never understand.
Now let's go back to Genesis 2: 7. God makes man and makes the dust of
the Earth. This is the body. He breathed the
breath of life and this is the spirit. The man became a living soul .The Lord said in verse 18: " And the Lord
God said: it is not good that the man be alone; far you a helper suitable for him " . And God made
woman. When he brought her to Adam, in verse 23, Adam said: "This is bone
of my bones and flesh of my flesh ..." and the
blood? There's no blood. Those two beings, whatever was in the beginning, they were flesh
and bone. A colleague said: "it was just an accident. He could have said flesh and blood
". Don't. Where God means "flesh and blood", He
says "flesh and blood". For example, the 1 Corinthians 15. If the Holy Spirit wants a writer say "flesh and blood", he will say "flesh and blood". Go down there. Don't trust my
word. Read the passage. I tell him that the day will come, in this country, in which, when a
preacher cite a verse, it will be better if you look at this verse, and on both sides, too. In 1 Corinthians 15:49 -50, Paul is talking about the
Rapture. Verse 50 says: "and now I mean
this, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the Kingdom of God... " . Right? So, that's fine. Flesh and bones form a combination. Flesh and blood form another combination. You say: you're exaggerating the difference. I? We're going to Lucas 24. Let's see if I'm cutting the deck too close. You know, why the Kingdom can't come to Earth until Christ comes back? The reason is that flesh and blood cannot inherit it. There is something wrong. With the blood. Understand? There is
somethingwrong with the blood and the
blood of his parents. Amen? The context of Luke 24 is Jesus Christ resurrected. When he reemerges from the dead, you see what He says to his disciples in Luke 0:39: "Behold my
hands and my feet, that would be me; handle me and see, for a spirit does not have flesh and bones ... ". What? No blood? He no longer has a drop of blood. Then you
ask: "where was his blood?" He shed on the cross. When that Centurion punctured the next, the last
straw came the cavity of your heart. I have left some blood. He was reduced to flesh and bones only.
You know what that means? Means that if Christ is the last Adam, then
the first Adam did not have any blood on it. What new doctrine is this? Is the doctrine known as the archaic Elizabethan doctrine of the King James Bible. It is also known as "best original manuscripts".
All right. Whatever Adam was when created, he didn't have any blood on
it. He should have a circulatory system. I mean he could eat and stay alive. He must have had some kind of circulatory system. Of what kind? Well, you could assume (not sure now what I'm going to say, but I think I'm really close). Besides, if a King
made a man and this man was a direct creation of this King, it can be said that he had "blue blood". I think this is the
expression. I mean that if you are still 85% water and seen as Christ said: " Come after me,
I will make you fishers of men " ,
the odds are it was a circulatory system of water. You ask: "where did you get
that?" Managed in two places. The first public miracle of Moses in the old testament was to
turn water into blood. Know which was the first miracle in the new testament? Look in John 2: turning water into wine. This wine is a type [symbolic] what? Is a type [symbolic] of the blood. So is a guy [symbolic] that the mother of Jesus said: "they have no more wine". "And Jesus
said to her: Woman, what have I got to you, it's not my time" (John 2:
4). You have read 1 John 5: 8, where he says that the water: the spirit, and
the water and the blood,
agree? Notice how certain editors confuse the verse before this, which speaks: Because there are three that bear witness in heaven: the Father, the word, and the Holy Spirit, and these three are
one" . Look how
they're always fussing, here, isn't it?
Well, whatever that body, he had a circulatory system and was flesh and bones, but no blood. Until one day, someone showed up at the garden of Eden, probably someone with 33 and a half years of age and male (although Moses has known by revelation that
was something else) and spoke to the woman: That's what
God said? Originalus? Then she said: "God said" and quoted you wrongly. She said: "we should not touch
the fruit". He said: "just a little bit won't hurt". He put a couple in his mouth to show that
wouldn't hurt and then she caught the fruit. Whatever that thing was messed with the fluids from your body. She [held out his hand and] caught and placed in his mouth. And he [the fruit] affected her circulatory system. I suppose it was some sort of blood. Left her lips red. Hence why, you, ladies, use lipstick on your lips. A hunting animal, when catches its prey, has front claws Red [blood] and hide those red claws. Then, the
ladies paint red fingernails and toenails. Anyway, she took the fruit and ate it, and when he did, something happened inside of
Now, you can thank your soul, there is only one tree in the book that had the "forbidden fruit". Is in numbers 6. This tree is the vine. There is only one forbidden tree
in the garden "the tree of knowledge of good and evil"(Genesis
2:17)). There is only one tree that caused problems for the old Noah, after he left the Ark: the
vine. Be careful with this vine. Know what she typifies? Typifies the blood.Did you know that there is only one thing that is forbidden to eat before the old
testament, during the Old Testament and the old testament? You can't eat blood (acts 15:20, in the new testament; Leviticus in the old testament 17:12 (under the law); Genesis 9: 4 (before the Law). Three times it is said: "do not eat blood" – especially on Sunday morning [helium Comment: this refers to the wine of the mass and who believes in
transubstantiation]! Do you know why some people talk so much in "original sin." That's why do
you always make on Sunday mornings. The first woman took something, put it in your mouth what shouldn't have worn and has thrown her
blood. Do you doubt that she has thrown his blood? Tell me, ladies, there is something wrong with
his blood since then? It's good to think about it, isn't it?
This has thrown the blood of Adam. When that happened, you know what
happened to the old Adam? He died inside. From that day on, Adam had a living body, a living
soul, but adead spirit. From that time, there's not a single man in the Bible who has "born again", to the death and resurrection of
Jesus. When Jesus Christ introduces himself, a man can be born again.No new birth in the old testament. Not a single. Abraham was saved by grace through faith – without being born again. David was saved by grace through faith – without being born again.
In the old testament, you find salvation before the Law, by
grace through faith and under the law, by faith through the works, but not a single case of born again anywhere, inside her.Do you know
why? Adam lost the image. Grab your Bibles and let's the Genesis 5 and note that every man
born after ADAM is not born in the image and likeness of God- he is born in the image of Adam.
(Now, I've told them that we were going to get into the Book and this is some kind of weight to some of
you. Is the bad company that you are saving. You don't usually take a book and sit with the same
open in lap and check things out. Do you ever sit down with the lights off and the tube gucio [TV] over, burning his eyes).
Very well. See Genesis 5: 1-3. The Bible says: " This is the
book of the generation of Adam and Adam begat a son in his likeness, as their image ... " .Now read. See the verse carefully. The boy has no more the likeness of God. He has the likeness of Adam. He doesn't have a living body, a soul and a spirit alive as God has. He has a dead spirit. People say: "man is made in the image of God". No, the man is made in the image and likeness of God to be born again. When he is born again, the Bible says that it is renewed in knowledge:"and ye clothed
of the new, which is renewed in knowledge according to the image of him who created him" (Colossians
Very well. Let's now get Abraham. What is Abraham? Well, he is " dead in
trespasses and sins " like any
other [man] in the old testament. I don't understand how can these Bible teachers to rise up and look forward to an auditorium and tell him that
the people of the Old Testament were saved "in the same way as those of the new testament". Well, the guy who teaches this knows that not even go to the same place! In the old testament Saints to heaven when they died. They went in the bosom of Abraham. How can a guy stand up and say: "in the old testament they were
saved waiting by the cross. In the New
Testament they are saved by looking backward, to the cross and so are all ... ". How can you
say something like that? They don't even go to the same place.
Now, let us take Calvin. I think the poor old
John Calvin has committed one of the worst possible errors to a man when he said that a man could not rely [believing] in Christ, to be born again. John Calvin taught that when a man is saved, the Holy Spirit enters this subject and first the regenerates. Then, when the man was regenerated, he repented and received Christ. This is called irresistible grace. The holy spirit takes hold of the subject and makes you wish. You know what that's called? It's called total
depravity. The subject is dead inyour trespasses and sins, so that cannot receive
Christ. This is the teaching of John Calvin. This is the teaching of each Primitive Baptist [a
name] and Orthodox Baptist [another denomination]. Most hiperdispensacionalistas strives hard that way. You know what is this teaching? The teaching is that if I'm "dead in trespasses and sins", I'm a good dead and there's nothing I can do and therefore
can't receive Christ until risen and born again. And so on. Now, let me ask them: "if I'm dead
in my sins and offenses and cannot receive the Christ, I wonder if I can reject it?" Why don't you [that is, why they won't let me ask this question]? If what they say is so [then] as you can go to hell for something that we are not responsible if you can't go to heaven are not responsible? John Calvin was not a scholar or a Bible scholar. As the Mayflower group said: "He was a bright light and
precious in his time". That's right. To the time of John Calvin, he did a lot of good, helped a lot
of people, but he was not a profound andstudioso of the Bible nor a scholar. Note on Exodus
35. I'm in the old testament. I am under the Law. I'm in the days of Moses. I'm in a time when no new birth
and nobody is born again. Nobody is "resurrected by the Holy Spirit". I'd like you to say,
thanks the verses 10, 21.22 and 25. Read us. Now you see what happens in these passages? These
people are doing what God commands them. Are obeying the Lord. Now look carefully the passage and
note that the Holy Spirit does not touch even one of them. No one is incited by the
Lord. They incite the themselves! Their
own hearts the urge. Are the hearts of the
people who have ever been born again-sinners not regenerated. They do what God commands them to do. The exact idea is you sit down there and [I] say that they cannot receive Jesus. You can. Of course you can!
Very well, then comes the time when Abraham and he appears, the Lord calls him one night and
says: "what do you see up there?" Abraham says: "I see a lot of stars". The Lord says: "I'll give
you as many children as those stars". Abraham says: "I believe". The Lord says: "do you
believe?" Abraham replies, "Yes, I believe". The Lord says: "you don't want a sort of rain to serve
as evidence of this, or something?" Abraham said: "no, if the Lord has spoken, I believe." The Lord
says: "look, look here, old man, you have almost a hundred years old.You know that don't you? " Abraham said: "If the Lord says, I am." The Lord said, "You got your health? Abraham replies, "well if you say so, I believe." Then the Lord said: "I'll tell you here. If you are that forestry [Helium's comment: I think the translator
made a mistake, but I don't have the original Ruckman pair check] and goes to far and put your faith in me, so I'll give you my justification ". Then God gave his righteousness unto Abraham.
One day the Lord took me to the top of a hill and told me to look up. "What do you see?" I said: "I think I see a dead Jew". He
said: "Well, what's he doing?" I said: "I don't know.Looks like he's dying for me ". The Lord said,
"Very well, and I trust this will take you to heaven". I replied: "Ok, I guess". You asked: "Well,
I'll tell you what. If you go to that field and put your faith in me, I will give you my justification. I received her. I got it! You've got
your justification for yourself [by its own effort and good works]? I'll tell you what. If you
[even] got their [justification], can save it. I received it from someone else.
He said to Abraham: "I will give
you my justice". Abraham believed in God and was
justified (Romans 4: 3 and Genesis 15: 6). The Lord said to Abraham in Genesis 17: "now take the
knife". Abraham said: "for what?" The Lord said, "you're going to cut where it hurts the
most". Abraham said: "why should I cut myself?" The Lord said: "Well, without shedding of blood
there is no remission of sins and you have to cut the exact location because the problem is with your seed" [comment from Helium: the circumcision]. Abraham said: "what's wrong with my seed?" The Lord said: "his seed is not good". That is, their seed is not good. The problem is with your seed. You know what Simon Peter said? “ Being born
again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, alive, and
remains forever. Because all flesh is like grass, and all the glory of man as the flower of grass. Dried up the grass, and fell to your flower" (1 Peter
1:23 -24). You know why I die? My father died. Do you know why my father
died? Because the father of him died. Do you know why they died? Because their parents died. You know what's wrong with
us? There is something wrong with our seed. Do you not understand? Suppose I had a roomful of doctors and lawyers. Do you think I should be less careful? You're going to drop dead. You're going to kick the bucket. Will put you in the grave with a shovel, just like me. I don't care what a bunch of doctors, lawyers and
scientists think. Go to the grave, son and bury him in the middle of the dirt. I mean
that "all flesh is like grass" . There is
something wrong with the seed.
The Lord says [Abraham]: "Cut yourself." So he cuts
himself. Why did he do it? Well, because back in the old testament, God could not give a new birth
to the man. Listen, if Abraham was born again, he was spiritually circumcised. The reason to use a knife and make the cut was that he wasn't spiritually circumcised. I was born again. No one in the old
testament was born again. Go to Colossians 2 (well, within a minute back to the essence of the thing). Now you are in the New Testament and is no longer under the law. On the other side of Calvary.On the side of
Calvary where Christ had died, was buried and resurrected. Now I want to look at the difference there. See Colossians 2:11 .13. See what happened when you were saved. Verse 11 says: " In
which also ye are circumcised with the circumcision not made by hand in the spoils of the body of the sins of the flesh, the circumcision of Christ " .Verse 13 says: "and, when you
were dead in sins, and in the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath quickened together with him, you forgiving all the offenses". Now watch
this part of verse 11: "circumcision is made not by hand ... " Amen? And "removing". What? "The body of the sin of the flesh by the
power of God." This he called "operation".There isn't anything like the King James Bible to
enlighten the young Dr. Kildare or whatever his name. Very well, then he said: "Cutting yourself because someday I'm going to make you a spiritual
circumcision now I can't hold still. Why haven't you? The seed is not good. You need to have the correct seed. " You know what God said to the serpent in the garden of Eden in Genesis
3? He spoke of "seed" that the seed of the woman you would crush your head! That's what he said to the devil.
Very well. Then comes Jesus Christ. He dies on the cross for the sins of you. Is buried. Remains
in the tomb for three days and three nights. On the third day resurfaces from the dead.Here comes life eternal. Eternal life comes through the ordeal, crosses the tomb and arrives with the Resurrection. Something happens,
but I don't know what is. I just know that when he was hanging on the cross, said: "...My God, my
God why have you forsaken me? " (Matthew 27:
46). There was an intermezo. I don't know how you can be an intermezo on "eternal life" and
this remains eternal, unless a part of him was eternal and another it wasn't. I do know one thing. When he got out of eternal life, in those few moments, in those three hours, he was in eternal death. When He says: "my God, my God," etc. He is equal to someone who is in hell. A man in hell says: "I'm thirsty" (John 19:28; Lucas 16:24). I know one thing. I know that when ceased everlasting life, something happened on Calvary, where the Son of
God proved the eternal death. When he arrived at the end of that cross, he said: "it is
finished" (John
Very well. He goes down to the grave. After rises from the grave: " I am the alpha
and the Omega, the beginning and the end " (Revelation
22:13). He was resurrected. Where did he go? Went
straight to the place where he came from. He came to eternal life and went to eternal life. The
beginning and the end – this is eternal life. Is the life that existed before the Foundation of the world and Jesus Christ said in his prayer of
intercession: "Dad, those that you gave me, I want, wherever I am, also they are with me, that they may see my glory
that you gave me; because you loved me before the Foundation of the world" (John
17:24). Eternal life comes through the ordeal.
Now, I wish to rise to the New Testament, on this side of the Calvary and looking a man to see how it
behaves. The chosen seed of the race of Israel reported. The perfect sacrifice was
conducted. Listen Up! Be careful of anyone who tries to snatch him to the other side of the
Calvary. His brother Weldon Jones spent years in Mexico winning the people for Christ and can tell them, when they want to talk to him, the
problem with those people in Mexico is very simple. They are always trying to get him back to the other side of Calvary because there exists a
priesthood, and on this side of the cross there is no priesthood. They are trying to take him to the other side of the cross. "Well, I hope to be saved, I suppose to be safe, I think I'm safe." You say this because the backwas not yet completed redemption. Is now complete. Now "it is finished". You won't take me back to the other side
of the Calvary. There is where I was before I was saved.
What is the best example I know? Well, the best example is
myself. The best thing you have to do is give a personal testimony. Very well. Here I am. One day I received Jesus as my Savior. What
happened? The Holy Spirit came to dwell in me and when he came, he brought with him a knife: " For the word
of God is living and active and sharper than any two-edged sword... " (Hebrews
4:12-a). He walked inside me and cut my soul, separating it from my body. Then you say: "Never
heard of this". At the hospital they have a laser and are beginning to learn how to cut the meat without damaging the skin. Are horribly late! With more than one thousand and nine hundred years late (I mean, every once in a while they
learned that in the King James Bible, but not always). Very well. Inside I am cut to the part of the body where I am right now. Inside of me there is a living soul that is cut
apart and no longer joins the meat. You say: "where did you get that?" Romans 7: 1 I took-4, the
illustration of a man by separating from his wife. Do you see? If the husband is no longer there,
the wife is no longer attached to the same. Hence why this passage is there.
Very well. Jesus Christ is buried and then resurrected. Trust [I believe] on it. What happens? The Holy Spirit comes
into me. The first thing he does is a spiritual operation. Let's illustrate. See a tray of ice. She has ice
cubes. You take the tray and tries to break the cubes and remove them from the tray. Water flows
through the floor and you hurt your fingers.However, if you take this tray and put it under the tap and pour water on it, when you pull, hold or touch the tray, the cubes are still there, but
each of these will separate easily from the Pan itself.
The cubes are free.
Now, I'm still in the tray, see? There is a tray (the body), but I'm
no longer connected to the same. You ask:
"How do you know that?" I'm going to show you how. Let's the Leviticus (nothing exists like the
Bible to get a college education). Now, in the old testament, the soul of a man is linked to his flesh. So, if a man come up to play the piano, his soul would play the piano. How do you know that? Let's see Leviticus 22:11 and then the verse 6. See how the soul is used there? Is used as a person. Verse 6 says: " The soul that
play will be filthy this afternoon, and will not eat of the Holy things, but will bathe his flesh in water " . Have you
seen? Now my soul can't play the piano. My body can do it, but not the soul. And you know
why? Because she is released from the meat. In the old testament when a man touched
something, your soul played. Hence why need
of purification. Hence why those people in the Old Testament ever knew, overnight, whether they were or weren't saved. They were contaminated when they played in something wrong.
Now that you are saved, can understand the freedom you have? You are
free! Paul says: "...Useis not then of freedom to give occasion to the flesh, but serve one another through
love"(Galatians 5:13), when you are saved, you do not touch the thing when playing with the meat.
Very well. Now I trust in Christ. What happens? The Holy Spirit comes into me and separates my soul of the flesh. Then what happens? He regenerates my spirit " what is born
of the flesh is flesh; what is born of the spirit is spirit " . Seen
as the Holy Spirit is inside of me and of the Lord, so I'm in the Lord and the Lord is in me. I don't open my mouth, swallow the wafer and say:
"Now I have it. See you next Sunday. " Look, I believe in Christ, He comes into my
body. My body is the Temple of the Holy Spirit. He's going to be inside me till hell freezes over
and I'm on it. Listen, if I am in him and he in me and He is eternal life, then I have
eternal life. He is in me and I in him. The Bible says: "because it dwells all the fullness of the Godhead bodily; And ye are
complete in him, who is the head of all Principality and power" (Colossians
2: 9-10). Why do you think I'm a lucky character? I'm standing here, I know where I've been before,
what am I doing here and where I'm going. Guys, how do you get "oriented"? Some of you wish to have a life with meaning? ". How about this? Wouldn't it be a blessing knowing every place where you've been, what they're doing here and
where do they go? "Where have you been?" Back in Genesis and before Genesis with the glory that God
gave Christ before the Foundation of the world. Where are you going? I'm going beyond Revelation
22-new Jerusalem. I know where I am. I know where I'm going, you know where you're
going? I bet some do not know.
I'm on it – what else? If I'm in it I am a part of his
death. I'm a part of their burial. I am a part of his resurrection. And have three parts. There should be three of them. So
practically speaking, where am I? Practically I am dying a slow and painful
death. " I am crucified
with Christ; and live, no longer I, but Christ lives in me; and the life I now live in the flesh, I live it in faith in the son of God, who loved me, and gave himself for me " (Galatians 2:20), i.e. practically day to day where I am in regards to God? I'm
in the Tomb. I'm buried. I'm disabled and you no longer have to worry about Peter
Ruckman. He's dead! When we baptized people in the baptistery, know what it
represents? The picture of a persondying. A man buried in baptism shows his
death. Thus, with regard to God, when read with the body, what should I do? Reap what I
sow. You can't escape from sin, but with regard to sins, they are committed by a body against a corpse. Christians are dead and buried. Know what's wrong with a lot of them? Are always digging up the corpse and making mistakes with him. The third part of our life is the
spiritual life. Spiritually, I'm resurrected with Christ. Every Christian has three
Go to Ephesians and will show you something. You know, the problem
with a lot of Christians is still digging up the old corpse dead or going back and laying with him in his grave.Hear Dr. Bob Jones Sr. say once that the whole time that you lose to serve
themselves demonstrates that they're walking corpses. Would you like to be walking corpses? (it's something to think about). When we are saved, all that time you spent with us is spent chasing
a corpse. Amen? You are dead, and your life
is hidden with Christ in God. " So says:
awake, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you "(Ephesians
5:14). Now watch: this was written for an unsaved? See Ephesians 5:13 and examine what is there:
"Because what they do in secret to say it's dull." This was not
written for an unsaved. Ephesians 5:14 "Awake, you who sleep, and arise from the dead, and Christ will give you"was written for the saved. Some Christians spend all their time with
a corpse.
Once, in the years 1890, when they used to use former gravediggers, one of them dug a
grave. To finish the job, he slipped and fell inside her, almost breaking the neck. Tried to cling
to the ground and failed. Stood there, inside a hole eight feet deep, without the slightest chance of getting out. I'd have to spend the night there and was waiting for the funeral procession arrived the next morning, in order to remove it from there. It was cold in there and he kept walking back and forth, in that eight-foot grave trying to get warm. and if I jumped would bounce. Every once in a while he'd say: "Brrumm! Brrumm! It's cold in here. An old drunk came walking by the cemetery around midnight and in the darkness he heard:
"Brumm as is cold in here! The drunk was approaching. Looked into the grave and said: "Well, no
wonder you're cold, you threw away all the land that was on top of you." You know why some
Christians feel cold? Why remove the whole Earth from above them. That's the
problem. They're trying to get up that corpse.
Did you know that every Christian is a zombie? Look, a man saved has
a living body, a living soul, but a dead spirit. The Christian has a spirit alive, a living soul, but a dead body. Are you seeing this? Your body is a body. You know that all
your problems come from meat? See what the Bible says in Romans: 6:11 " So also ye
consider yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus our Lord " A dead man can't have desires. How do you fix problems if they are dead? There in the cemetery nobody has problems with the mixed bathing and no thing. People in the cemetery doesn't care more about makeup, t-shirts, long hair, with anything. They're all
dead. Isn't that the problem? People say: "He is his own worst enemy." Each of you is the worst enemy of himself. Have you seen that demon that appears in your mirror
[yourself]? If you could get rid of him, all his problems would be solved.
As soon as I was saved I closed one eye and beheld my nose. I was surprised by what I saw. You may think I'm crazy, but I'm very well. I can't explain it to you. I remember the first shower I took after I was saved. Having God as witness, to get under the shower and start soaping my naked skin, to look at her I felt a perfect stranger. I thought: "what a weak and undernourished." Never thought of that before, but now
thought. When I looked at my nose, you know what I saw? The old man. I saw you, you Devil! You know what I had inside me now? Had a
new man inside my body and it certainly wasn't this carnal body.
This carnal body is giving me problem. I say: "shut up!" He says: "I gotta do this!" I say: "no, no". He says: "I
am". I say: "no, no". He says: "I need". I say:
"you don't have to. Shut up and be quiet ". He says: "look at me, I'm so nervous. I need to do it. " I say: "you're dead". He says: "I'm not
dead. Look at me. I am moving ". I say: "you're
dead. The Bible says that you're dead, and if she tells you you're dead you're dead ". He says: "if
I'm dead, how the hell are you talking to me?"
This is the big problem, hem, brothers! Is the
meat. And flesh-grey [return] to ashes and dust to dust. You should've seen the people at a
SPA. Needed to see them taking care of the flesh. Some of these individuals who are there, are more
time looking in the mirror than working out. I've seen them: "Mr America" or "Miss Universe". You
know what's going to happen with these guys any day now? Will be under the ground covered in earth worms devouring them – "Mister
Slime". They do the same with women. These contests of "Miss Universe" and "Miss America", are now
of "Miss worm". Know that the Bible States that " all flesh is
as grass ... " (1 Peter
1:24-a). His flesh is the demon who causes all the problems. When it is saved has been a dead body
and a living spirit. You know what you are? Are walking zombies. Are undead. Did you know why cause so much fear to some of your friends? Imagine if a corpse appear suddenly, tomorrow night, and touched the shoulder of you. Also would be amazed,
isn't it?
I'm sure you already know the narrative that funeral that colored man, when that widow went ahead crying. She was saying: "George, George, talk to me". Someone in the back part of the building, heard it and said: "If
he talk to her, that's my window to [to escape through it]".
I'm saved for more than 30 years. You know what? There are people in this town who still don't know what happened. When I walk down the street, they go to the
other side. Don't know what happened. I haven't understood the thing. Guys, if I had turned a psychopath, I'm sure I would have known long ago. It's for 43 years. The last time they saw me in the Club in Coral Diamond Horseshoe, in Town or at the Peppermint Lounge Tump, playing drums in a dance band, with my helmet to
reduce the sound, a beer bottle and a broken hull of Coke for the case of swell things (this happens there sometimes). In a minute I was like that
and the next minute I was running around town in my car with a big buns on top of it, calling the kids to Vacation Bible School. I was saying:
"come on, kids, get in the car with me and the rabbit." No one could believe. You know what
happened? Now I'm a new man! Something
happened. "Something new was added". Is there a doctor in the city that still keeps in his desk
drawer about eight letters I sent you in 1949 and which to this day has not been saved.Every once in a while he reads the letters and keeps trying to understand. He can't understand that if you are safe is a walking undead.
In Greenville, South Carolina, read this narrative. (Must have happened about 30 years ago). A funeral car was from Georgia to Atlanta. There were two drivers, one white and one black. They should deliver a corpse in a funeral
home in Atlanta. They took those cars funerals through the Great Smokey (the highway Skyline). They
were up there taking turns, one slept while the other ran. North of Ashville, somewhere, someone was on the road hitchhiking (the negro was
sleeping and white driving). The white guy took pity. There was a storm and he said: "dude, you can
enter from the back, but there's a dead body there, a corpse". The ride all wet, shook himself and said: "well, it doesn't make any difference to
me". Then he entered the rear of the car. Were already coming to Hendersonville and through hairpin
turns to get down to Greenville, and was about two o'clock in the morning when they begin the descent, in the middle of the night, the white guy aroused the negro and said: "it's your turn to
drive." Then went to sleep and the black man started to drive without knowing there was a ride in the back. After driving in those closed curves, the ride was behind that wanted a cigarette. He knocked on the glass
that separated the driver from the back of the car. The black man looked around and down. The boy
hit back again in the black glass and kept your eyes on the road, terrified and sweating like a horse. The guy from behind pulled the glass door,
opened it and touched him on the shoulder, saying: "man, there's still a lot to come to Hendersonville?" Screech! The black man stepped the brake and ran from the hearse and nobody could find him in the next three days.
Very well. Let's return to the subject. Suppose that I'm talking to a person does not save. Who is not saved is not "in Christ". Does not have eternal life. May have a religion, but any religion can lead to Christ. May have been baptized in the waters, but not baptism leads to Christ. He still retains the image of
Adam. Is still dead. Must be born again.
I note that the term "born again fell into disrepute" currently. When Flint, Carter and others of this class profess to be "born again", people wonder what this means. Well, I'm not talking about that kind of new birth. I'm talking
about the holy spirit coming into you, separating them from the meat and adopting them into the family of God, redeeming them, paying the price of blood by applying the blood to their souls,
saving them, regenerating their spirits and putting them in the body of Christ. I'm not
talking about travel with drugs or similar things.
Now, let's take a subject not saved. What happens to her? “Who has the son has life; those who do not have the Son of God does not have life"(1 John
5:12);"He that believeth on the son hath everlasting life; but whoso believeth not the son will not see life, but the wrath of
God on it stays"(John 3:36);"And you, being dead in thee hath quickened trespasses and sins, in which another time
andastes according to the course of this world, according to the Prince of the powers of the air, the spirit that now operates in the children of disobedience.Among which we all also before we
walked in the desires of our flesh, doing the will of the flesh and of the mind; and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest
of”.(Ephesians 2: 1-3). If you are not saved, are in a terrible
condition. I couldn't describe it so black that is. According to the Bible, you are lost,
destroyed, without hope and without unfinished God outside of Christ, outside the brotherhood of Israel. Alone in the world, without the promises
of God, dead, dead in his trespasses and sins.
Have you ever seen. A guy says: "I can't feel it." Well, you don't need to know who has cancer to die as a result of this. You have to do is drop
dead. You do not need to feel an aneurysm – until he kills you.
So when an individual dies not saved, what will happen to her? I'm not
sure what I'm going to talk right now. But I will give them the Scriptures. Grab your Bibles and
will until John 3 and Psalm 22. " And as Moses
lifted up the serpent in the wilderness, even so must the son of man be lifted up " (John
3:14). When Christ died on the cross, you know that He resembled? He resembled the serpent – that which complicated the seed there in Genesis. You see that the problem is the "seed". I believe that the "seed" looks something like a worm.When I remember
correctly from my biology. Psalm 22: 6 shows Christ on the cross: "But I'm a
worm, and no man, reproach of men, and despised of the people." Now you know
that Christ is by observing the verse 1. If you still have doubt that it comes to Christ on the cross, look at the verses 14.15 and 18. This Psalm refers to Christ. "I am a worm." The snake belongs
to the category of reptiles.
Something is wrong. Go to Marcos 9:48: " Where their
worm does not die, and the fire never goes out " . "Maggot" is a possessive pronoun. It's not the worm but the maggot (boy!People talk about the Greek on the subject. You should see what the Greek word for it. Is the word for Red worms. Is Red. Go to 7-11 9: Apocalypse. In Revelation 9 the abyss without border opens and something emerges from the
same. Dali out smoke and locusts come out. Verses 7-11 describe what emerges from the
abyss. What you want to appear are mutations.Are monsters. See the description – as the face of a man, a woman's hair, dandelion and tails like Scorpions. These things
are monsters. Are mutations. Aren't human,
whatever that is.Are people in some kind of decomposition or something similar. Someone in passing has stirred in the genetic code. Now, you know what Darwin said? He said he did not start and will decay [Helium's comment: I
think the translator made a mistake, but I don't have the original Ruckman pair check]. As the description of the abyss. He said he started downstairs and evolved. Darwin once said that you were an Amoeba and later became a small
Protozoan or Hydra. Soon, soon you become a fish and then dragged to Earth. Started having feet,
rose up and its tail fell off. Soon after, turned into men. Someone said: "Charlie, where did you
get that?" Darwin said: "Well, you have bodies with these traces. You have these glands in the male
breast without any need. Do you have ear lobes for useless purposes. You have Appendix and tonsils
[tonsils?] that they no longer use. Are remnants of that you were in animal form. What you do comes
from the animals and will always improving and always. These things that have been left in you are than you used to be, when animals ". I once had a horrifying thought. I thought to myself: "If these things were prophetic? And if those things are what will you become? " Think about it.
Now, you know what? When Christ comes, you know that we – people
saved-assemelharemos us when he comes? We will be like him.Amen? Christ
said: " You have a
father the devil, and you want to satisfy the desire of your father. He was a murderer from the beginning, and has not actually, because there is
no truth in him. When he speaketh a lie, he talks about what it is, because he's a liar and father of lies" (John
8:44). If I fail in my assumption (I am just conjecturing now), at the trial of the white throne, when a man loses his soul, he assumes
theform of his father. Know who is your father? His father is the big red snake (Apocalypse 12 and
Genesis 3). He would return to it.
If that's true, you know what is hell? Hell is a huge pile of Red
worms crawling all over each other, in a Lake of fire. You always loved the meat. Wasn't
it? Will be just meat on meat and the Bible says: " And they will
leave and you will see the bodies of the men who have prevaricated while blatantly defying against me; because their worm never dies, neither your fire will go off; and will be a horror to all
flesh " (Isaiah 66:
24). “ Since it
profit a man gain the whole world if he loses his soul? Or will the man in reward of his soul? " (Matthew
16:26). Do you know what a soul. Is the outline of a body. Ever was something else. “ Because God so
loved the world that he gave his only begotten
son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life " (John
3:16). “ How shall we
escape if we neglect so great salvation which, starting to be announced by the Lord, was later confirmed by those who heard " (Hebrews 2:
3). You know what it means to "perish"? You lose
their souls, the outline of their bodies. You want to perish? “The Lord does
not delay his promise, even though some have late but is long-suffering; for toward us, not willing that some are lost, but that all should come to repentance "(2 Peter 3: 9). Don't neglect the salvation of their
souls, for another minute. Another second. Be saved now!
Fixed in 1/29/01
Author: Peter Ruckman
Translator: Microsoft word
Hélio de M.S. agrees with the main line of this study (Trichotomy, necessity of salvation), but that is
not required and that assist with each word and say it (in this and other writings of the author).
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