Scofield Reference Bible Notes - 2Jo
Book Introduction - 2 John
Writer : The Apostle John.
Date : Probably A.D. 90.
Theme : Second John gives the essentials of the personal walk of the believer in a day when "many deceivers are entered into the world" 2Jo 1:7. The key phrase is "the truth," by which John means
the body of revealed truth, the Scriptures. The Bible as the only authority for doctrine and life, is the believer's resource in a time of declension and apostasy.
The Epistle in three divisions:
1. The pathway of truth and love (2 John 1:1-6).
2. The peril of unscriptural ways (2 John 1:7-11).
3. Superscription (2 John 1:12-13).
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